As a mom of two children with special needs, I often hear these questions: What can I do to help my child’s speech delay at home? How can I speed up my child’s progress?
My answer is always, Have you tried Gemiini?
This article is not an official review of Gemiini, nor is it sponsored in any way. I’m simply a mom who thinks sharing is caring.
Both of my twins have a speech delay. They were born prematurely and spent 6 weeks in the NICU. As soon as they came home, I signed them up for early intervention (EI) services.
My babies received the full-court press. They had therapy at home through EI, and attended speech therapy sessions through the Children’s Hospital.
But none of it was enough. In addition to the speech delay, both of them were diagnosed with a severe mixed expressive/receptive delay. That means they weren’t understanding language either.

D, my oldest twin, said his first word when he was 2.5 years old. He has a pretty severe cognitive delay, and language doesn’t come naturally to him.
J, my youngest twin, never spoke at all. When he turned 3, he was diagnosed with autism. I suspect he has apraxia/dyspraxia as well, but he isn’t officially diagnosed.
Even with multiple therapy sessions every week, I still felt like I could be doing more to help them. We had a lot of downtime at home.
I started seeing advertisements for Gemiini when the boys were 3 years old. To be honest, I thought it was a scam – just another Facebook ad sent my way because I’m in a few autism support groups.
But one night, I started reading the comments on the post. And the testimonies were real. After doing some research, and watching a few of the videos, I decided to use the 1 Week Free Trial.
Whoa! These weird little videos actually work! Before the week was over, J was saying “ish” for fish. He was making animal sounds, and even started to point. D was was using sign language and saying new words as well.
As the months went on, D continued to soar using Gemiini. His vocabulary exploded! He was like a little sponge.
J continues to take his time, but enjoys every moment of the videos. And I know he is soaking it all up. When we go to the aquarium, he uses the sign language he learned on the videos. And every now and then, he will speak one of the words he’s working on.

I know I sound like a walking advertisement, but I’m so glad I gave this program a try. I don’t know a child who couldn’t benefit from Gemiini.
Here are a few questions I’ve been asked about Gemiini, and my responses:
1. What is Gemiini?
It’s intensive speech therapy you can use at home. Language doesn’t come naturally for my kids. So it models the speech for them.
The first video my children watched, was one with 5 animals. The video included making the animal sound, saying the word, and signing the word.
There are over 100,000 videos in the Gemiini library. There are skills videos such as potty training and crossing the street. There are videos that model taking turns and cleaning up.
Whatever you’re working on, there’s a video for that. You can easily make your own video if you want. I made a video on objects my kids see when we take a walk.
My kids are only four, so I haven’t even explored all that Gemiini has to offer. They have special programs and tutorials for children of all abilities, including children with autism and Down’s Syndrome.

2. Is it easy to use?
Yes! It took a couple hours for me to watch all the tutorials and set it up perfectly. But that was over a year ago, before Gemiini updated their software. They’ve really improved their ease-of-use since then.
I would recommend watching the tutorials before getting started. YouTube has some great videos as well. Their customer service is exceptional. They even have a secret Facebook group you can join.
The Gemiini app can be downloaded on tablets and phones as well. I download the videos to our devices, so I don’t need wifi to watch them.

3. How much does it cost?
The standard fee is $98 per month. I applied for a scholarship during my free trial. And I was approved before the week was over. I pay $29 every month. There’s no contract, so I can choose to end the program at any time.
In addition to the videos at home, Gemiini will also give your child’s teacher and speech therapist a login code so they can use it as well. And all of that is included in the program.

Gemiini always offers a 1 Week Free Trial. But I reached out to them, and they agreed to give my readers a 1 Month Free Trial. This way you will have ample time to explore all the tutorials, and implement the program correctly for your child.
Enter this code for a 1 Month Free Trial!
Follow our journey on Facebook at Not an Autism Mom!
11 replies to "What I Do at Home to Improve My Children’s Speech Delay"
I love Gemini. It’s also taught me to be betty explicit when teaching a new word to the twins… and they have learned to watch my mouth and try it out. Great idea working with Gemini to offer the one month free trial, Meghan!
I have a 27yr old with Autism and severe expressive speech impairment but when he was younger, I made a large poster board and I cut out all the foods he like from the sunday paper including toilets and toys and pasted them on the poster board. When my son gets agitated because he cant express himself, I took him to the poster board and asked him to point to what he wanted. at first he was frustrated then later he started making sounds, then as time went on he started saying the words. Today at 27, he started reading even though its at a 3-4 year old level but still expressive speech has to be prompted but getting there one day at a time. Don’t give up.
[…] something inappropriate.) Soon after that, we started the boys on an online speech program called Gemiini. With the help of that program, Dominic quickly soared from just a handful of words, to […]
tnxs for the info
Hi Megan, I am a teacher in a severe Autism class for high school students and found Gemiini through a Youtube ad. I also thought it was a scam, so I googled reviews and found this. Now I am going to present this to my administration to see if we can invest in it if the one month trial goes well! Thank you so much!
Hi Amanda. Do those students have AAC devices?
Hi Meghan, Yes, one has an iPad and two have flip books.
Really appreciate the 1 month trial, and hopeful it’ll be helpful for our little one. Thank you!
Thanks to your review I checked out Gemini. It’s been about a month and we’ve already noticed significant improvements in our child’s speech, I’m really impressed!
Thanks so much for the 1 month trial, it helped me finally decide to go for it. Hoping for the best.
My name is Anya. I came across the program over online researches and interested to learn more about. Our about to be 3 Years old son is definitely showing signs of autism. Speech delay is the first we detected months ago and now signs after online research. We’re taking him for evaluation tests since his pediatrician doctor recommended it.
Our aim is to have him get started as soon as possible the speech program and maybe other program you might have.